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Why We Treat Everyone Like an Athlete: Overview


Happy New Year Wichitans! Hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday season. With the new year comes reflecting on goals and resolutions to make 2020 the best year yet. Keeping that in mind, we wanted to roll out a new series describing a concept that is near and dear to us at ICT Muscle & Joint and our goals for patient care: Treating Everyone Like an Athlete.

For this blog we’ll start with just an overview, outline, and general mindset then in succeeding blogs we’ll get more in depth. For each topic we’ll go over the why behind each and how they apply to the importance of treating everyone like an athlete. Once we get into the individual sports we’ll go more into the different mechanics and movement patterns with each and how treatment and rehab in each sport can have its similarities and differences. Topics we’ll go over and approach to treating everyone like an athlete:   

  1. Us as chiropractors and clinicians
  2. Patient perception
  3. General Population
  4. Golf
  5. Powerlifting
  6. Bodybuilding
  7. CrossFit

At the core, it all comes down to mindset. We’ve all seen it, the pro athlete that gets injured and then goes and sees the best specialist and gets around the clock treatment. Now I’m not saying that everybody should get that, but I do believe that everyone deserves similar attention to care. It doesn’t matter if you are not currently training, just starting training, a weekend warrior, world class athlete, or just training to be pain free in the activity of life, everyone deserves to be listened to and have the detail to attention like they are world class. At the end of the day, athletes are just normal people like you and me.

One thing that we hear at times with patients is that no one has ever truly listened to them. They go into provider after provider, but never truly get listened to, so results are temporary or little at all. They get a cookie cutter approach instead of a plan for results tailored to their individual presentation and goals for care. We are not saying this to bash other providers, there are so many great ones in the Wichita area that help a lot of people. This is just a common thread we hear and want to change it. Part of fulfilling our “why” is meeting this need and challenging the status quo of the current healthcare model. People deserve better and just like an athlete deserve to get back to doing the activities love pain free and performing better.

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