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custom foot orthotics

Custom Foot Orthotics

At ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic, our unique, pain classification, assessment system will indicate if a person does or does not need a custom foot orthotic. Other interventions, not local to the foot, may address the issue at hand more effectively. We do not build custom foot orthotics based upon another individual’s thoughts or recommendations including: another healthcare provider, web search (i.e. WebMD), or Google recommendation. When we build custom foot orthotics, we use it as an integration, or extension, of an advanced pain categorization system. There are many factors that can lead to foot pain; however, multiple factors including age, gender, and movement or sport-requirements should be considered prior to orthotic fittings.1

Our system is incredibly thorough and will identify the appropriate course of action when appropriate. If we do not follow this approach, then it is an ethical, moral, and financial disservice to customers. We pride ourselves on using this pain categorization system, which directs a patient’s care flow.

Are Foot Orthotics Worth It?

Worth or value can also be viewed as “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” What is valuable, from one person to another, may be different. First answering subjective questions, then working to objectify them into monetary means, might be the best approach for some. While others may process the decision of value by working backward from monetary cost to subjective emotions or desires. The rate of purchase of an orthotic may be a factor in a person’s decision making as well (i.e. once every 5 years or twice per year). Because there are many factors for a person to consider in purchasing a custom foot orthotic, we can help educate you ahead of time on what the research indicates.

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Click on any item below to learn more about Custom Foot Orthotics.

Is your Foot Pain a Foot problem?

According to the EXPOSS study, 29% of the time, a foot problem is not foot in origin – it’s originating within the spine.7 How often have you had your spine thoroughly evaluated when seeking help for foot pain? Chance is, never; this is a shame. The low back can be a source of foot pain without having pain (i.e., back problem does not have to produce back pain). A back problem can produce foot pain without complications or pain elsewhere.

Without evaluating the low back as a source of your foot pain, then there is automatically a 29% reduction in producing positive outcomes. Morally, it is an injustice for us to consider an orthotic without assessing for the source of pain – especially considering a $400 foot orthotic that would then produce limited positive results at best. Tired of this approach? Us too. Therefore, you should seek care with an ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic doctor before a foot orthotic is considered. Let us be your traffic controller in the never-ending world of healthcare sales.

29 %
of the time a foot problem is originating within the spine

ICT MJC’s Extra Step to Foot Pain with Runners

If you are having foot pain and are a runner or attempting to get into running and having foot pain, other physiobiological factors, metabolic (energy efficiency) factors, and training programming may be the ultimate cause of your pain. Over the years, we have identified that addressing these factors can be vital to producing long-term results with fewer re-injury rates. Simply stated, the causative factor to mechanical pain or problems is not always mechanical in nature.

ICT MJC Approach to Foot Orthotics

As stated above, we assess everyone in a multitude of ways. We are not a one-trick-pony. If we do not take this approach, you as the customer waste time and money; this is a disservice. If a foot orthotic is warranted, which is seldom, we go through several aspects in building your foot orthotic.

  • Stance foot assessment (left vs. right)

  • Gait (walking pattern) motion videos

  • Motion induced ink pedographs

  • Palpation of restricted joints and tight tissue structures

  • Foam casting/molding

  • Consideration of cheaper orthotic interventions

We are moving beings and must be assessed as such. The documentation and collection of all this is processed and applied to your personalized orthotics by our chiropractic doctors and sent out for construction by Xtreme Footwerks.

Our Orthotic Partnership

We are excited and proud to offer you these top-of-the-line custom foot orthotics! We utilize our partnership with Xtreme Footwerks in Idaho Springs, Colorado. Shawn Eno, founder of Xtreme Footwerks, is a highly sought-after, board certified pedorthist who incorporates your entire assessment, highlighted above, into his moldings.

What Are Foot Orthotics Made of?

Through our partnership with Xtreme Footwerks, our custom foot orthotics consist of multi-layer EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetates). We utilize multi-layer EVA because long term orthotic users often prefer custom for their increased durability (graphite orthotics can last up to 15 years) and versatility even though custom foot orthotics have not been shown to not be more effective than over the counter orthotics.8 Over time, the increased durability of these insoles are more cost-effective.

Patients We Automatically Consider for Foot Orthotics May Have the Following Conditions:

15 years
graphite orthotics can last up to 15 years
mold cast for custom foot orthotics

Alternative Foot Orthotics

We love the ToePro Pad. It’s a game changer foot, ankle, and calf rehab. It provides various levels of cushion and support which we have not seen matched by other products.

When it comes to cushion within a foot insole, Sorbothane products are the best. The wonderful benefits of Sorbothane are its affordability at roughly $20-30 and it being the most shocking absorbing foot orthotic material on the market! Sorbothane is a strong option for those who must stand all day. The downside to Sorbothane, is it being the most shock absorbing material, it can also deplete in rigidity faster (i.e. you may have to buy them once every few months). However, weighting a cost benefit analysis, a person can go through a lot of Sorbothane inserts before hitting the cost of a custom foot orthotic.

are not the cheapest option on the market, but they are considered to be the gold standard in a passive appliance helping open up the toes. Over the decades our shoe ware has caused restrictions in our toes and feet. Correct toes work to correct that problem.

Content written by Dr. Keith Sparks, DC | Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) Certified Exercise Trainer, Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation (FAKTR) Certified, Selective Functional Movement Assessment Certified (SFMA) Certified, Functional Movement Systems (FMS) Certified, Buteyko Instructor
Content written by Dr. Samuel Reals, DC | Rethinking Running Rehab - Part B Gait Analysis and Rehab of Runners

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Contact Us with Further Questions

If you are in the Wichita, KS, area and are having frustrations, complications, or stagnant results with care, then contact us for in-person help with our unique healthcare approaches. If you are not within the greater Wichita, KS metro, we have created amazing Telehealth and Video Programs to provide you the same high-quality care. Contact our professional chiropractic staff at our East Wichita clinic or West Wichita clinic about possible treatments for your muscle, joint, nutrition, and health-related concerns today.

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