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Sam Reals, DC

Dr. Sam Reals, DC

Dr. Sam Reals believes that movement truly is medicine. He saw first-hand that fitness and a healthy lifestyle can have a profound and long-lasting impact on a person's quality of life while personal training full-time for many years.

Dr. Reals received his B.S. in Sport and Exercise Science from DeSales University in Center Valley, PA. He participated in track and field and served various student government and athletic representation positions. Additionally, due to his help and work on a Susceptibility of Hydrostatic Weighing to Intentional Error in Weight Certification Use for Wrestlers, he achieved the “Excellence in Research” award for his class upon graduation.

dr sam reals dc

After working at the South Branch YMCA locally, Dr. Reals opted to continue his career path by applying to chiropractic school. He graduated from Cleveland University - Kansas City in 2018. During his time at Cleveland, he was a T.A. for Motion Palpation Institute (MPI) Club and the MPI elective. He is currently certified by the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) as an Exercise Physiologist and by preferred provider nationally by MPI.

Dr. Reals’ empathy for people in pain motivates him to learn the most up-to-date treatment standards and rehab protocols, encouraging patients to incorporate exercise long after their care plan has concluded. Dr. Reals believes it is only through exercise that people can unlock their true potential and increase longevity to a happy, fulfilling life.

  • dr sam reals applying faktr treatment
  • dr sam reals monitoring blood flow restriction (BFR) training

Dr. Sam Reals’ Credentials and Certifications

  • BS – Bachelor of Science in Sport & Exercise Science

  • DC – Doctorate of Chiropractic from Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City

  • NBCE – National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Part I-IV & PT

  • Acupuncture – Traditional and Biomedical Training

  • ACSM-EPC – American College of Sports Medicine – Exercise Physiologist Certified

  • ART – Active Release Techniques – Upper Body

  • Blood Flow Restriction Rehab - Owens Recovery Science

  • DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Technique – Part A, B, C

  • DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization – Exercise 1

  • FAKTR – Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation

  • FTMI – Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries Certified

  • MDT – McKenzie Methods/Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy – Part A

  • MPI – Motion Palpation Institute Referral List Certified

  • Rethinking Running Rehab - Part B Gait Analysis and Rehab of Runners

  • Rocktape – Functional Movement Taping

  • Structure & Function Dry Needling - Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sport Performance needling

  • TPDN – Trigger Point Dry Needling – Level 1&2

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cupping performed by dr sam reals
Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Sam Reals, DC

Ready to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sam Reals in our west Wichita chiropractic clinic? We’re excited to meet you and to assist in your road to improved health and performance! Getting started is extremely easy!

Schedule an Appointment

Alternatively, call (316) 867-0683 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sam Reals.

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Rachel Sparks, DC

Dr. Rachel Sparks, DC

The core of Dr. Rachel Sparks’ beliefs has not changed in the years since opening ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic. She still considers movement to be of the highest priority. Operating a small business is constantly eye-opening regarding all the pieces needing addressed to help it run well. Eventually, Dr. Sparks stepped back from a primary treating clinician to managing the non-treating roles within ICT MJC and being active in family life.

Drs. Keith and Rachel Sparks have 3 young children. The process of human development is incredible, and she now has had a front row seat watching her kids learn to move. They innately know what patterns to practice, and their small bodies do not give up even after repeated failures. Instilling the love of movement at their young ages brings Dr. Sparks great joy, and it reaffirms the role we are trying to fill within healthcare of the greater Wichita area.

dr rachel sparks dc

Dr. Sparks was born and raised in Wichita, KS. She was active in the figure skating community, competing and coaching private and group lessons for many years. Dr. Sparks attended Newman University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology. She then moved to Kansas City to achieve her Doctor of Chiropractic from Cleveland University. It was there that Dr. Sparks’ eyes were fully open to the marvel that is biomechanics of the human body. Not enough attention is paid to movement and the art of helping people return to better movement and health.

There are so many contributing factors to human health, and they do not involve multiple prescription medications. In the past couple years, the world has been forced to confront the failing healthcare standards set for us. Life should not be simply surviving but prospering in your own body. Proper sleep, nutrition and movement are vital steppingstones to achieve your best humanity. We at ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic will do everything we are able to educate you on proper movement strategies and if you combine that with healthy habits at home; the Wichita community will be unstoppable!

dr rachel sparks treating pregnant patient

Dr. Rachel Sparks’ Credentials and Certifications

  • BS – Bachelor of Science in Biology

  • DC – Doctor of Chiropractic from Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City

  • NBCE – National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Part I-IV & PT

  • ART – Active Release Technique – Lower Body

  • DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization – Part A, Advanced Skills

  • DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization – Certified Exercise Trainer

  • FAKTR – Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation

  • FTMI – Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries Certified

  • Graston – Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization

  • MDT – McKenzie Methods / Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy – Part A, B

  • MPI – Motion Palpation Institute Referral List Certified

  • Rethinking Running Rehab - Part B Gait Analysis and Rehab of Runners

  • RCP – Root Cause Protocol Consultant

Read Articles Written by Dr. Rachel

headshot photo of dr rachel sparks dr rachel providing functional health consultation
Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Rachel Sparks, DC

Ready to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rachel Sparks in our west Wichita chiropractic clinic? We’re excited to meet you and to assist in your road to improved health and performance! Getting started is extremely easy!

Schedule an Appointment

Alternatively, call (316) 867-0677 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rachel Sparks.

For More Health Info and Topics

Search our Library for more information surroundings various health topics, facts, and myths of healthcare, and much more. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive monthly health tips and our 10 Tips to True Health.

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Keith Sparks, DC

Dr. Keith Sparks, DC

Since opening ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic in 2016, Dr. Keith Sparks’ perspective surrounding health has evolved. Here are some of his thoughts regarding healthcare follies and what ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic is working toward addressing. This is not a normal biography. However, it is an honest reflection with an opportunity to hopefully understand the person sitting across the table from you - who is this person and what hill does he stand on?

Dr. Sparks’ Healthcare, Treatment, and Business Philosophy

Specialization is great and needed within healthcare; however, as a result, greater appreciation for pain has become worse and results of outcomes have followed.1 2 3 “Specifically, nearly half of American medical schools allow their students to graduate without having had any formal training — clinical or basic science — in musculoskeletal medicine.”4 “Many current studies have shown that recently graduated medical students and residents lack the clinical knowledge and confidence necessary to care for patients with MSK injuries.”5 This might seem trivial considering these last two studies are only in reference to musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions; however, 70% of primary care doctor related visits are MSK conditions. From this, we can extrapolate the primary healthcare provider treating MSK conditions understands very little concerning MSK and has little to no formal training with treating MSK conditions. Due to the collective problem with lack of training in medical school and the confidence with treating musculoskeletal conditions, we have built our website to help educate our local community of Wichita, and anyone who may stumble onto our website, in understanding pain and how we are working toward breaking the mold. In essence, this is our attempt in giving back to the people.

dr keith sparks dc

From reading through our website, you will find an emphasis on categorization of pain and how this should be the focus of all assessments. We pride ourselves heavily on this system to direct you on your journey in eliminating pain, restoring health, and hopefully optimizing your health. Statistically, regarding pain reduction, moving into this pain classification system will provide better long-term outcomes.6 7 8 Dr. Panko has a great line, “we are your traffic controllers on the way to your recovery and performance.”

Pockets within healthcare (personal trainers, yogis, social workers) are working to move beyond a pathoanatomical model - diagnosing a problem without knowing the cause. Believe it or not, this has been the staple of diagnosing and care for decades. I often find these individuals to be the healthcare workers who are attempting to move beyond the pathoanatomical model because insurance is not a large part of their reimbursement system, and they spend longer time conversing with individuals. Again, prioritizing pain categorization must occur before any intervention or specialty, and discussion must take place to understand the pain.

  • Quality of assessment is a dying or lost art.

    I do believe this is largely a byproduct from educational institutions. Even while I attended Cleveland College for Chiropractic in Overland Park, KS, much of our course work revolved around memorization of answers, not a deeper understanding and critical thinking. With education moving more online, I do fear this problem, emphasis on pathoanatomical model, will get worse. I do pray that it will get better. For us, constant education, as forever students, is vital to keep progressing healthcare forward as educators – to our customers.

  • Explanation to customers is limited at best.

    This is a two-fold problem of curriculum standards and reimbursement structure.

    Educational institutions are a business, and their game is to produce healthcare providers who can pass their board examinations. I once had a professor, after constant harassment from myself, tell me that the school and professors are not here to teach students how to be good at our craft - chiropractic; but to teach “red flags” of knowing when to refer and how not to kill someone. Yes, this is important but very limiting in producing quality healthcare providers. This is defensive medicine not productive medicine.

    Lack of reimbursement to the healthcare provider has also caused lack of explanation or education to patients. Again, this is a multifactorial problem with everyone pointing fingers. Regardless, healthcare has become a numbers game of patient flow. Any business must follow a simple business statement, which does reign evident here, “money goes where it flows the easiest.” This is not a blame game or a quick answer but again a multifactorial problem. A healthcare business is not directly financially incentivized to provide better education, information, or referral to another healthcare provider, to the betterment of a patient.

    We (myself and our team) do feel there must be a better balance surround reimbursement and time with patients to truly understand their problems, wants, fears, and desires of seeking care. After all, we chose healthcare to help people – and sometimes to our downfall. We have built this website to become a living extension of our education to help address health issues, improve customer and community understanding of pain, and why we integrate our skillset the way we do. Without clear understanding of the current pain, through customer-doctor communication, expectations will not be met.

  • Cross party expectations are not being met, and this is a huge problem.

    Again, this comes back down to clear communication and education amongst all parties – customer, provider, and insurance company. Expectations are everything for any transaction between entity or person to entity or person. With a lack of clear expectations between parties, frustration more than likely will manifest. This again, is due to a lack of understanding the problem at hand and clear communication. This requires physical time and reimbursement to the healthcare provider is often structured as such. This leads to fast treatment times with a healthcare provider working to “keep the doors open.” Without being able to keep the doors open we, as healthcare providers, cannot help anyone. As a result of fast treatment times, cross party expectations are not met, and positive outcomes surrounding resolution of pain are not met.

  • We are constantly in battle, striving to make lasting change.

    Setting standards with clear expectations, community education, and overall becoming Wichita’s primary resource regarding pain education while guiding customers throughout their healthcare journey are our focus. It’s been a fun journey evolving this style of healthcare here in Wichita since opening in 2016. We did not know what to expect. Over the past several years, like any new business, we kept honing in on who we really are, how we want to help people, and how best to help people. This new “launch” is the accumulation of this identity. Who we are and who we want to become. What hill we will die on. We only have one life to live, and, for us, to help serve those by giving them more life to their years is our main objective. We want to help people eliminate the pain, restore their health, and hopefully optimize their health moving into the future.

Yours Truly,

Keith Sparks

Dr. Keith Sparks’ Certifications and Credentials

  • ART – Active Release Technique – Full Body Certified, Former Elite Provider Network

  • BHS – Bachelor of Health Science

  • Blood Flow Restriction Rehab – Owens Recovery Science 

  • Buteyko Breathing Instructor

  • DC – Doctorate of Chiropractic from Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City

  • DNSP – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Practitioner– Part A, B, C, D

  • DNSET – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization – Certified Exercise Trainer (1, 2, 3)

  • DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization – Viscerosomatic

  • DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization – Strength 1 & 2

  • FAKTR – Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation

  • FMS – Functional Movement Systems

  • FMS – Full Movement Screen Certified

  • FTMI – Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries Certified

  • Kharrazian Institute of Functional Medicine

    • Neuroinflammation
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Autoimmunity
    • Hashimoto's
    • Diabetes
    • Infertility
    • Cognitive Decline and Dementia
  • MDT – McKenzie Methods / Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy – Part A, C

  • MPI – Motion Palpation Institute Referral List Certified

  • NBCE – National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Part I-IV & PT

  • RCP – Root Cause Protocol Consultant

  • Rethinking Running Rehab – Part B Gait Analysis and Rehab of Runners

  • SFMA – Selective Functional Movement Assessment Certified

  • TPDN – Trigger Point Dry Needling – Level 1&2

  • YBT – Y Balance Test Certified

dr keith sparks performing chiropractic adjustment dr keith sparks dry needling a patient

Dr. Keith Sparks' Awards

  • Intern of the Year 2014-2015: Cleveland Chiropractic College

  • Dr. Glenn L. McElroy Award 2009-2010: University of Missouri

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Community Involvement

  • Lords Dinner Volunteer

  • Running/Race Scene Volunteer/Participant

  • Former Business Networking International (BNI Treasurer)

  • Fitness/Health Workshops at Local Gyms and Studios

View Citations and References

1 Martin BI, Turner ja, Mirza SK, Lee MJ, J Comstock BA, Deyo RA. Trends in healthcare expenditures, utilization, and health status among US adults with spine problems, 1997-2006. Spine. 2009; 34:2077-2084.

2 Deyo RA, Mirza SK. The case for restraint in spinal surgery: Does quality management have a role to play? Eur Spine J. 2009;18(suppl 3):331-337.

3 Weinstein JN, Lurie JD, Olson PR, Bronner KK, Fisher ES. United States’ trends and regional variations in problems. JAMA. 2008; 299:656-664

4 DiCaprio M., Covey A., Curricular Requirements for Musculoskeletal Medicine in American Medical Schools The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery , Volume 85-a · number 3 · March 2003

5 Truntzer J., Lynch A., Musculoskeletal education: An Assessment of The Clinical Confidence of Medical Students, Perspectives on Medical Education, 2014 June;3 (3), 238-244.

6 May S, Littlewood C, Bishop A. Reliability of procedures used in the physical examination of non-specific low back pain: A systematic review. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52:91-102

7 Seffinger MA, Najm WI, Mishra SI, et al. Reliability of spinal palpation for diagnsosis of back and neck pain: A systematic review of the literature. Spine. 2004;29:E413-E425.

8 Fersum, KV, Dankaerts W, O’Sullivan PB, et al. Integration of subclassification strategies in randomized controlled clinical trials evaluation manual therapy treatment and exercise therapy for non-specific chronic low back pain: A systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2010;44:1054-1062.

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Keith Sparks, DC

Ready to schedule an appointment with Dr. Keith Sparks in our east Wichita chiropractic clinic? We’re excited to meet you and to assist in your road to improved health and performance! Getting started is extremely easy!

Schedule an Appointment

Alternatively, call (316) 867-0671 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Keith Sparks.

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Search our Library for more information surroundings various health topics, facts, and myths of healthcare, and much more. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive monthly health tips and our 10 Tips to True Health.

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Patient Feedback

Patient Feedback About Our Chiropractors in Wichita

For More Health Info and Topics

Search our Library for more information surroundings various health topics, facts, and myths of healthcare, and much more. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive monthly health tips and our 10 Tips to True Health.

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Contact Us with Further Questions

If you are in the Wichita, KS, area and are having frustrations, complications, or stagnant results with care, then contact us for in-person help with our unique healthcare approaches. If you are not within the greater Wichita, KS metro, we have created amazing Telehealth and Video Programs to provide you the same high-quality care. Contact our professional chiropractic staff at our East Wichita clinic or West Wichita clinic about possible treatments for your muscle, joint, nutrition, and health-related concerns today.

Contact Our Team

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West Wichita Location

chiropractors office in west wichita, ks

Chiropractors in West Wichita, KS

About Our Chiropractic Clinic in West Wichita, KS

At ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic, our patients will tell you we’re not the typical “crack your back, send you on your way” chiropractors. We believe every patient deserves unique chiropractic treatments for their specific symptoms, pain, and issues. Our experienced chiropractors will listen to your concerns and develop a plan that will help you in your path to pain relief and performance. We combine chiropractic services with nutritional advice, soft tissue therapies, corrective exercises, and educational information to help you Move HEALTHY, Feel HEALTHY, and Live HEALTHY. Our expert chiropractors are located conveniently near you in West Wichita, KS off West Maple St and are excited to meet you and partner with you on your journey to improved health.

Schedule an Appointment

Our West Wichita Clinic Location

Address: 7330 W Maple St #120 Wichita, KS 67209
Phone: (316) 854-3525
Hours of Operation:
Mon, Wed, Fri: 8am - 6pm
Tue, Thurs: 2pm - 7pm
Sat: By Appointment Only

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Meet Our Chiropractors at Our Chiropractic Clinic on West Maple St

  • Dr. Rachel Sparks

    Dr. Rachel Sparks

    As a founding member of ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic, Dr. Rachel believes all patients should have the ability to move often and move well. She specializes in pregnant and postpartum women’s care, as well as infants and toddlers. Dr. Rachel obtained her Doctorate of Chiropractic (DC) from Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City. She is certified in various Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) techniques, McKenzie Methods (MDT), and Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation (FAKTR), and other certifications.

    View Dr. Rachel's Full Bio

  • Dr. Sam Reals

    Dr. Sam Reals

    As a Wichita native, Dr. Sam returned to the Wichita area and joined the ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic after graduating with his Doctorate of Chiropractic (DC) from Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City and working in Chicago. He strongly believes that fitness and a healthy lifestyle have significant impacts on a patient’s quality of life. He works with his patients to ensure his treatment techniques align with personal exercises to ensure the best results! He is certified in both Acupuncture and Dry Needling, American College of Sports Medicine – Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EPC), Motion Palpation Institute Referral List (MPI), among many other certifications.

    View Dr. Sam’s Full Bio

Our Chiropractic Services Offered in Wichita, KS

Our team of chiropractors are located conveniently near you in west Wichita, KS. Through numerous technique and treatment options, ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic treats many symptoms and pain you may be experiencing.

  • Chiropractic Adjustments and Mobilizations

    Chiropractic adjustments (also known as manipulations) and mobilizations benefit long-term health and pain relief. In west Wichita, KS, ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic utilizes chiropractic manipulations in combination with other treatment options to provide proper muscular function, range of motion, and movement.

  • Rehabilitation

    Rehabilitation services include stretches, strength exercises, corrective exercises, and more to restore mobility, tissue quality, and movement. Our west Wichita chiropractic team uses rehabilitation techniques alongside other treatments to better treat patients.

  • Active Release Techniques (ART)

    Active Release Technique (ART) involves focused tension and compression applied via thumb(s) to treat tight, irritated, inflamed, or scarred soft tissue throughout your muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, or fascia. Our experienced chiropractors in west Wichita can provide ART to assist in pain reduction and improve movement.

  • Dry Needling

    Dry Needling utilizes thin needles to break up unwanted tension or trigger points. Our chiropractors located near you in west Wichita apply Dry Needling to address chronic trigger points and myofascial pain syndromes.

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

    Through Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, our chiropractors apply a medical-grade tool along the skin in a scraping motion. This technique releases tight muscles or fascia. Our west Wichita chiropractic clinic specializes in IASTM, FAKTR, ASTYM, and Graston.

  • Kinesio Tape (Rocktape)

    Kinesio Tape (also known as KT Tape or RockTape) improves blood flow, stability, and proprioceptive input through the strategic placement of certain tapes. These improvements allow for minimized pain and easier recovery process as a part of a chiropractic treatment plan.

  • Custom Foot Orthotics

    A stable base for the body is important to overall pain reduction and health. Custom foot orthotics assist in providing that stable base for your body. To provide high-quality custom foot orthotics, our chiropractic clinic partners with Xtreme Footwerks.

  • Sports Physicals

    Ensuring the health and safety of an athlete is of utmost importance. Through our sports physicals, we include movement screenings which allows our athletes to fully understand movement patterns, leading to increased athletic performance and safety.

  • Nutrition

    Nutrition can play a substantial role in pain reduction and a patient’s overall health and quality of life. Our chiropractors at ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic care about the entire quality of life for our patients. As such, we consider nutrition as a part of our treatment plan.

  • Pediatric Care

    Chiropractic services as a part of pediatric care for your child can ensure proper development and movement patterns. Our west Wichita chiropractic team uses gentle, but advanced, chiropractic treatments to benefit pediatric care for your child.

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Care

    Pregnancy is a significant event for your body, whether you’re currently pregnant or postpartum. Our chiropractors specialize in customized treatment plans involving nutrition, chiropractic care, and fitness during pregnancy and postpartum care.

  • Cupping

    Cupping uses the application of cups to painful areas, allowing soft tissues to be released. This technique can reduce inflammation and pain and improve motion and blood flow. Our west Wichita chiropractors use cupping in a variety of circumstances and treatment plans.

Symptoms Treated with Chiropractic Care

  • Adult Sports-Related Injuries

  • Elbow Pain

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Jaw Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Youth Sports-Related Injuries

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Sciatica

What Our Patients Are Saying About Our Chiropractors

  • Andrew

    "I have previously gone to their location off Rock Rd. and had excellent care from the owners Dr. Rachel and Dr. Keith. I had just as positive of an experience with Dr. Sam on the west side. This is not a neck cracking, wallet draining clinic that reals you in and intends for you to be a lifelong customer. They actually spend time to address your issue diagnose it and explain it to you in a way that you can understand. They then do the work to get you back into whatever exercise or sports you need and TEACH you stretches and best practices so that you don't have to come back a million times. I do not normally write reviews but the 3 times I have injured myself lifting in the past few years I was able to come in and get my issues addressed by Dr. Rachel and now Dr. Sam and have nothing but positive things to say. They also worked with my insurance for a very low co-pay so I did not have much out of pocket. Highly recommend!

    - Andrew | 5-star Review on Google

  • Alyssa

    "Sam and this company have helped me more than I ever imagined they could. I was scheduled to see and orthopedic specialist for a knee injury, but before I did, I wanted to check out ICT Muscle and Joint as a last stitch effort... After a few visits, my knee was moving better and feeling better; I ended up cancelling my other appointment and have now been able to workout my legs, which I haven't been able to do in months. Thank you ICT Muscle and Joint and Dr. Sam!"

    - Alyssa | 5-star Review on Google

Our West Chiropractic Clinic's Overall Rating

Content reviewed by Dr. Rachel Sparks, DC

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractic Doctors

Are you ready to schedule an appointment with our chiropractors, Dr. Rachel or Dr. Sam, at our west Wichita, KS clinic? Reach out to us today. We’re excited to learn more about you and begin your journey to full health and performance!

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